29 SEPTEMBER 2018 11AM-12PM

Protocol appears as part of Unhallowed Arts Festival presented by SymbioticA.
Join visiting artist Ash Tower and academic Francis Russell for an afternoon of conversation from 11am, Saturday 29 September at Cool Change.
Discussing Tower’s exhibition Protocol, this conversation will expand upon the virtues of scientific errors as a fertile ground for considering the arbitrary boundaries constructed around scientific facts and practices, exploring the space between abstraction and language, rigour and craft.
Ash Tower is an artist and researcher based in Adelaide, South Australia. His work examines systems of knowledge; means by which information is ordered and stored. By drawing on existing conventions that classify, consign and codify, Ash’s work interrupts these systems, revealing the internal architecture of an otherwise closed, unseen system.
Francis Russell is the course-coordinator of the humanities honours program at Curtin University. He has a PhD in Literary and Cultural Studies from Curtin University, and researches the political and philosophical implications of mental illness, alongside conducting broader research into neoliberal culture. He has published in Deleuze Studies, Space and Culture, Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy and has written for various contemporary art publications.