Image: James Doohan & Bianca Sharkey, 'Astro Morphs, Ascension' (still), 2018, single channel video.
Bacteria or microbial growth will reach capacity and after exploiting a niche of resources will search for another. How is this different from the human species looking for a new home post Earth? Why else strive towards Mars?
Astro Morphs
fast-forwards to a time and planet where being human costs too much energy to be viable and microbes reign supreme. Yow and Sox, probe into the future, achieve the impossible, they survive their deaths and become members of a thriving biofilm in the throws of making up the future. Unbeknown to our protagonists they are being harvested for their minerals and must learn how to speak a molecular language to survive.
Astro Morphs is a project that fights to exist; constantly faced with limitations but choosing to keep on going. With a belief that this chemistry is necessary for story telling, Astro Morphs combines experiences of animation, video, movement, costume making, writing and music, to challenge the ways in which we think and communicate.
James Doohan graduated from Edith Cowan University (ECU) with a Honours  Degree in Visual Arts in 2006. He has since participated in several group exhibitions including the Hatched National Graduate Exhibition at Perth Institute of Contemporary Art (2007) and Coming Unstuck at Free Range Gallery (2015). In collaboration with Perth music label Badminton Bandit, Doohan released the book Mystery Meats in 2010 presenting a collection of his drawings and poster designs.
Bianca Sharkey is currently studying a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at ECU after graduating with a Bachelor of Communications (Major in Scriptwriting and Minor in Creative Writing) also at ECU in 2011. Sharkey has also previously trained in classical ballet (Vaganova method) and performed as a songwriter.
In 2016 Doohan & Sharkey co-founded Astro Morphs which was nominated for Best Musical at its debut at Fringe World in 2017.