Cool Change Contemporary Inc. is a multi-gallery artist-run initiative (ARI) formerly located within the historic Bon Marché Arcade building on Barrack Street in the Boorloo/Perth CBD. We host a monthly program of exhibitions supported by regular performances, screenings, workshops and events, and are home to a shop selling artist-made goods and publications.

Cool Change is the arrival of a cold front in the afternoon or evening after a day of high summertime temperatures. It is the sense of interconnectedness with your surroundings and a feeling that things are about to pick up. Cool Change Contemporary stands for critically engaged work, an accessible, welcoming environment and an agile, responsive outlook.

A volunteer-led organisation, Cool Change was founded by Jess Boyce, Emma Buswell, Grace Connors, Miranda Johnson, Melissa McGrath, Shoshana Rosenberg, and Matthew Siddall, opening in August 2018.

Cool Change operates near Kuraree, once a meeting place for Whadjuk Noongar Bibbulmun moort (family), brought together by ke-ning (corroboree) to share kaartdijin (knowledge).⁠

We acknowledge that this is and always will be Aboriginal land, and that our capacity to engage in creative practice on this boodja is informed by the knowledge and labour of First Nations People.

(Place names retrieved from Gnarla Boodja Mili Mili⁠)




Mayma Awaida
Samuel Beilby
Paul Boyé
Grace Connors
Alex Egloff
Danielle Fusco
Kauri Minhinnick
Cornah Willis



Dan Bourke



The Cool Change committee is supported by a number of additional hardworking volunteers. If you would like to help us by volunteering your time or becoming a donor or sponsor, please email for more information.

Cool Change Contemporary founders (from L to R) Emma Buswell, Grace Connors, Shoshana Rosenberg, Miranda Johnson, Jess Boyce, Matthew Siddall, and Melissa McGrath. Photo: Nicolee Fox.